B’cuzz Blossom Builder Tabzz

B’cuzz Blossom Builder Tabzz are effervescent tablets for the flowering period and can be easily dissolved in the nutrient solution to ensure that the plant spends all its energy on the development of flower.

£84.99 inc VAT

B’cuzz Blossom Builder Tabzz

B’cuzz Blossom Builder Tabzz are effervescent tablets for the flowering period and can be easily dissolved in the nutrient solution to ensure that the plant spends all its energy on the development of flower.

B’cuzz Blossom Builder Tabzz ensure explosive flower production, making flowers larger, heavier and more compact.


  • Add to the nutrient solution in the last 2 to 4 weeks of flowering and ripening phase
  • 1 or 2 Tabzz per 100 litres of water

For more information about Atami products, please visit www.atami.com

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