Optic Foliar Watts

Optic Foliar Watts allows the plant to utilise additional energy provided to the plant through sunlight and supplemental HID lighting.

£8.99£17.99 inc VAT

Optic Foliar Watts

Optic Foliar Watts allows the plant to utilise additional energy provided to the plant through sunlight and supplemental HID lighting. This leads to increased growth rates and improved yields. Using Optic Foliar Watts will allow for better light usage and efficiency within the plant, and dramatically increase growth rates.

Watts is the most concentrated and cost-effective light energy spray on the market, and will not curl, damage or burn leaves — it works with your lights to affect increased growth and nutrient uptake from the root zone. This results in bushier healthier plants, being ‘pushed’ into early development of flowers for bigger yields at harvest.

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