Plagron Batmix is a mix of carefully selected types of peat and perlite, resulting in a very light and airy substrate.
£19.99 inc VAT
Plagron Batmix
Plagron Batmix is a mix of carefully selected types of peat and perlite, resulting in a very light and airy substrate. Batmix contains an abundance of Plagrons unique worm castings ensuring vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. Batmix contains bat manure or guano, that is naturally rich in phosphorus and potassium, guaranteeing abundant flowering.
Rinse with water before use in order to wash out the immediately absorbable nutrients. Extra nutrition is needed after approximately 6 weeks, depending on the condition of the plant.
Complete fertilisation for at least six weeks
Extra phosphorus and potassium from added bat manure
Enhances smell and taste
This product is suitable for organic farming (CU certified)