Grodan Rockwool Propagation Cubes

Grodan Rockwool Propagation Cubes are ideal for seed or cutting propagation, the cubes are supplied in their own handy plastic tray for easy handling.

£13.00£225.00 inc VAT

Grodan Rockwool Propagation Cubes

Grodan Rockwool Propagation Cubes are ideal for seed or cutting propagation, the cubes are supplied in their own handy plastic tray for easy handling. Once young plants are well rooted they can be transplanted to a larger Grodan Delta Cubes or pots.


  • Completely sterile and inert and ideal hydroponic growing
  • Reduced risk of pests and disease
  • Even root growth thanks to predominantly vertical fibre structure
  • Designed for optimum air / water balance resulting in increased root growth
  • Uniform quality and structure so water content and EC (CF) will remain the same for all plants
  • Easy to re-saturate if it dries out, reducing the risk of root damage

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